Athletic Teams » 7th - 8th Track and Field » 7th - 8th Grade Track and Field

7th - 8th Grade Track and Field

Track 2025
Athletes MUST have a physical and all rank one paperwork completed and submitted to the trainer ([email protected]) before they are allowed to participate at practice.
**Morning practices will start Monday, February 10th. Practices will begin during the athletic period on Tuesday, February 4th. See attached practice schedule for more details.**
Parent Meeting: Wednesday, February 12 @ 6pm
***All athletes wanting to participate in track must have a current physical on file with our athletic trainer and have all required forms filled out on RankONE.***
Please make sure you have signed up on parentsquare to receive important updates from coaches.  This is how we will distribute information about meets, updates or reminders about practice, and what time we will return after meets.  This is also a great way to communicate with your coaches if needed.  
Girls Coaches:
Jennie Campbell
Jeannette Olivera
Kaitlyn Witte
Boys Coaches:
Deshaun Borders
Chance Bollier
Steve Herrera
Athletic Director:
Elliott Ortiz