Counselor's Corner

Simone Galeana
Works with Students with last names (A-K)
Contact: [email protected]
Mrs. Galeana can make anyone laugh with her sense of humor. She is amazing at her job and has a way of making everyone instantly feel comfortable when talking to her. She is a keeper of secrets and someone anyone can go to for an open ear. She possesses a deep understanding of the diverse challenges students may encounter and makes everyone feel better after meeting with her.

Mrs. Price has a heart of gold with a princess mentality (as she should). She is a strong woman who has the best sense of humor. She makes amazing relationships with colleagues and students which explains why she is amazing at her job.
Randolph Secondary Schools MFLC Counselors Contact Information:
Randolph Middle School Military Family Life Counselor (MFLC) - 210-439-0454
Randolph High School Military Family Life Counselor (MFLC) - 210-439-0513
Randolph High School 2024-2025 Course Catalog