Kayla Schilling » Welcome!



In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my fiancé and daughters at home. I also enjoy any body of water, but mostly prefer lakes. As a child and throughout my life my family owned and operated a cheer business. As I got older not only was I an athlete, I began to coach individual athletes plus teams, this experience allowed me to discover my love of teaching. I graduated with a bachelor of science in mathematics from UTSA in 2019. I have been subbing and working with the special education department at Randolph High School. I'm excited to be teaching Math 8, Algebra 1, and coaching cheer. I love elephants, my dog Bear, ice cream, and chocolate. I'm excited to be part of the Randolph ISD team, to be able to grow as an educator, and to impact students' lives as they develop a love for math!


Contact Info:

[email protected]

Room 22, MS Campus


Class Schedule:

Zero Hour: Cheer

1st Period: Math 8

2nd Period: Math 8

3rd Period: Math 8

4th Period: Math 8

5th Period: Math 8

6th Period: Conference

7th Period: Algebra 1


Tutoring Times:

Monday - Thursday 3:40-4:10


Google Classroom:

All students will have received GC invitations by the Friday of the second week of school; however, if you have not, please email me directly. Any parents needing to be invited for Google Classroom email summaries, please email me directly with your preferred email. New students throughout the year will be added on their first day in class.


Redo Policy

  • Students will be allowed to retest on major tests/assessments only.  In order to retest students must perform test corrections/error analysis and attend tutoring.  Score at least 80% on all assignments within that unit. Once I have ensured you understand the concept, a retest will be given.  This all must be completed within 10 school days from the test return and test/test corrections must be signed by a parent.