Mary Shields » Welcome!


I am glad you have stopped by my website. 
I am delighted to say that I have been teaching Spanish at RHS since 1999. I learned Spanish in school, pursuing it all four years in high school, and traveling to Spain for my junior year of college. I know first-hand that becoming fluent in another language takes hard work, dedication and patience. Learning another language does not happen quickly; but with much practice, students will discover they can do it!
Although language acquisition is hard work, the study of another language is really an exploration. It is a journey into other lands, other people and customs. Through language, students gain insight into ways that people around the world interpret their environment, create the products that define their culture, and express their values. The discoveries students make about others becomes an invitation for them to examine and compare their own culture and values. 
This year, I will be teaching Spanish 2 and Spanish AP. For each of my sections, there is a Google Classroom. Students will be given codes on the first day of instruction. Please visit the attached documents on this page for more information about policies. 
In addition to teaching Spanish, I also coach UIL Spelling and Vocabulary! UIL allows students to hone their skills and compete within their area of interest in a supportive and leveled playing field. 
I look forward to getting to know you--my students and their families! I hope you find the information you need in these pages, but please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.
Mary Shields