Mikel Haug » Welcome and Introduction

Welcome and Introduction

I am Mikel Haug. and I have been teaching math at Randolph High School since 1999.  I have a BS in Mathematics from Texas State University and a MS in Administration from Texas A&M University,  My wife and I have a son who is a firefighter in Houston working in their special operations unit and two grandchildren.  My passions are cooking, gardening, hunting, and fishing.  I try to live by the wise words of Dr. Richard Earl, "Learn from the dinosaurs, adapt or die."


I believe mathematics is a discipline in which answering one question should generate a multitude of new questions.  Learning occurs when students are challenged by higher order questions, engaging tasks, and problem solving opportunities.  Problems should push one to want to know more and create curiosity rather than quench it.  Classwork should not be considered  as some type of proof of being able to pass but rather as participation in meaningful discussion.  My goal is to give you problems worthy of your efforts and to encourage and support you in mastering them.

Mission Statement
To help students develop a love for learning and be open minded, confident, problem solvers with analytical and critical thinking skills.  To help students embrace effective strategies of reacting to challenges, to understand the role of mistakes and failure as steps toward success and to persist, adapt, and overcome.