Steve Giovanoni » High School Band

High School Band

6-Flags Schedule May 4, 2024


-Students receive one meal ticket.  If they lose their ticket, I am not able to replace it. 

-Please send them with enough money to make it through the day.  It is supposed to be hot, so they will need plenty to drink.

-The water park is not included in the park ticket.  They will need to purchase a ticket if they wish to use the water park.  They must have a change of clothes for after the water park.  They cannot ride home in wet swimsuits. 

-If your child takes any daily medicines or EpiPen, they need to be brought from home.

-We will still go even if it is raining.  If they stop the rides for weather, they let it pass and then open the rides back up.



Thank you,

Mr. G



Be at school at 9am

Bus leaves at 9:15am

Students receive one meal voucher.

Apply Sunscreen.

Kids need to bring extra money for drinks, food, locker etc.

Have a dry set of clothes if they use the water park.

Reform at 6PM at park gate

Leave at 6:30pm

Return 7:15pm